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How to Install the Austral Foldaway Rotary Hoists 45 & 51 - Simply Clotheslines

How to Install the Austral Foldaway Rotary Hoists 45 & 51


FOLDAWAY 45 & 51 

Your Austral FoldAway Rotary Hoist is designed to last a long time. It is important to follow these instructions to ensure you will enjoy the benefits of a properly installed Rotary. Incorrect installation could damage your Rotary and/or void your Guarantee.

Simply Clotheslines Installing the Austral Folding Rotary Clothesline

Step One Site

(a) Select a suitable site that allows a minimum of 500mm clearance from the end of each clothesline Arm. This will allow washing to move freely.

(b) Dig a hole 600mm deep and 200mm in diameter. Backfill the hole with drainage gravel or stones so the Ground Socket’s top lip sits just above ground level (Fig.1).

Step 2 Height Setting

Note: If installing on sloping ground please carefully consider the height setting, giving thought to the upward pitch of the clothesline Arms, the user’s height and whether the user is likely to stand in one location (ie a path) when hanging washing or move around.

(a) Slide the pre-corded Head Section into the top of the Column, allowing the black plastic Cross (that bolts to the 4 Arms) to slide down over the Column as far as possible. Stand the Column and Head Section upright and slowly rotate the Head Section, the locking mechanism will align and the Head Section will drop a short distance. Keep rotating and it will drop a second time.

(b) The Ground Socket has a series of partially hollowed round holes up the side that correspond to different height settings (Fig. 1).

Simply Clotheslines Instructions for the Folding Rotary Clothesline by Austral

Slide the Column into the Ground Socket and stand it upright in the hole that has been dug, ensure the lip of the Socket sits just above ground level.

(c) To raise the Head Section, first remove the Line Retainer (length of Cord with a black plastic hook) that loops around the Arms holding it together, keep the Line Retainer for later use. Remove any wrapping. Carefully open the Arms part way and check lines are not caught or twisted (Fig.2).

Simply Clotheslines Manual for Installing the Folding Rotary Austral Clothes Line

In particular ensure outer lines are not looped around the tips of the Arms. Push Arms upwards until the Cross meets the black plastic Bush and flip the Latch down to secure them together (Fig. 3 and 4).

Note: If it is very difficult pushing the Cross toward the Bush/Latch then re-check all lines to ensure they are not wrapped around the end of an Arm.

Simply Clotheslines Austral FoldAway Clotheslines Instructions

(d) With the Arms raised and hoist wound fully down, give consideration to the users head height and select an appropriate set of height holes on the Ground Socket (note: hoist can be wound up 270mm from its lowest position. Also, the Arms pitch up making outer lines higher from the ground). Collapse the Head Section, secure the Arms with the Line Retainer and remove the Column from the Socket. Place the galvanised metal Pin into one of the selected height holes on the Socket, use a hammer to punch the Pin through the hole. Remove the Pin and repeat for the hole on the other side of the Socket. The Pin sets the height for the hoist as well as locking the Column in place. Fig 3

Installing the Austral Folding Rotary Clothes Hoist Simply Clotheslines

Step 3 Fitting The Handle

(a) Fit the Handle Shaft to the Handle Grip. Push the split end of the Shaft through the hole at the bottom of the Handle. When pushed through, the split end will expand and lock into place.

(b) Clip the Handle Cover onto the back of the Handle by pushing the pins into the locating holes. Press in firmly.

Step 4 Concrete The Ground Socket

(a) Mix quick setting cement according to manufacturer’s instructions or alternatively mix concrete in the following proportions: 3 gravel:1 sand:1 cement with water. Concrete should be damp enough to hold together when squeezed in the hand.

(b) Stand the Ground Socket in the centre of the hole and open the Head Section. Check to ensure correct height setting for user and of the Ground Socket to finished surface level. Adjust if necessary. Fold the arms down and fit the Line Retainer for final installation. Ensure the handle is facing the correct way (i.e. towards the path).

(c) Hold the Rotary upright and fill with another 50mm gravel only. Add concrete mix to approximately half depth. Check to ensure the Mail Column is level, tamp the concrete down using a rod to settle the concrete. Re-check the Main Column level and then fill the hole to within 20mm from the top. Settle the concrete again and re-check the level. Finish with a mix of sand and cement (2 sand:1 cement).


Important Information and Operating Instructions
Remove the Hoist from the Ground Socket several times a year to prevent grit & debris building up and causing the Hoist to seize up in the Socket. 

Step 1
Folding The Rotary Hoist Wind the Head Section down, place your fingers on top of the Bush and squeeze the Cross and Arms up with your hands (Fig.4).

Lift the Latch up and gently lower the Cross section to fold Arms down. Tie the Line Retainer around the Arms to ensure lines do not tangle during removal.

Step 2
Removing The Hoist With Head Section folded and secured, hold the Main Column with both hands, lift and turn the column clockwise to then remove. Fit the Socket Cap onto the Ground Socket.

Step 3
Replacing The Hoist Insert the Rotary Hoist into the Socket and gently lower onto the Pin. Rotate the Main Column until it drops into position. Rotate anti-clockwise for the column to lock into position.

Step 4
Unfolding The Head Section Remove the Line Retainer, grasp the Arms and gently pull them outwards. Raise the Cross up as far as it will go as in Fig.4 and lower the Latch into the locked position.

CAUTION: If the Cross will not lift into position, the cords may have tangled. Carefully check the lines. NEVER force the Cross into position.

Step 5
Line Tightening To tighten the lines, open the lever on the Line Tension Lock. Start from the inner position, pulling the cords as you work your way outwards. Pull the Cord Knob tight and lock the lever on the Line Tension Lock back into position.

Step 6
During Use Distribute washing evenly to allow Rotary Hoist to rotate evenly. Wind the Head Section down into the locked position if hanging washing on windy days. Simply pull on one arm to rotate the Head Section while in this position. When finished, wind the line up to allow the Head Section to rotate freely in the breeze

Written by Austral Clothes Hoists Pty Ltd May 2022

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