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How to Install An Austral Fixed Head Rotary Clothesline - Simply Clotheslines

How to Install An Austral Fixed Head Rotary Clothesline

Installation Instructions for: Super & Deluxe Fixed Head Hoist

Your Austral Rotary Clothes Hoist is designed to last a long time. It is important to follow these instructions so you will enjoy the benefits of a properly installed hoist. Incorrect installation could damage your hoist and/or void your guarantee. 

Simply Clotheslines Installation Instructions for the Austral Super & Deluxe Fixed Head Hoist

Site Selection & Digging (Steps 1 - 3)

Important: Before digging, ensure the area is safe and clear of electrical, gas and plumbing services etc (refer to Dial Before You Dig), or any architectural drawings etc).

Step 1

Select a site that gives 1m clearance to the end of each arm of the hoist (2m more than hoist’s diameter), see Figure 1.

Simply Clotheslines Installation Instructions for: Super & Deluxe Fixed Head Hoist

Step 2

Place Handle Shaft through Handle Grip then tap into hole in Handle Arm whilst supporting behind the Arm with a chock, see Figure 2.

Simply Clotheslines Installation Instructions for the Austral Super & Deluxe Fixed Head Hoist

Turn the handle anti-clockwise to ensure the hoist is wound down as far as it goes. Also fit Handle Cover to Deluxe models.

Step 3

Ensure it is safe to dig at the selected site. At its centre, start digging a hole 150-200mm in diameter. Dig the hole deep enough so that when the Column is stood upright in the hole the Reducer is level with the user’s head height, see Figure 3.

Simply Clotheslines Installation Instructions for the Austral Super & Deluxe Fixed Head Hoist

 A depth of 550mm will result in the Cross being 1700mm high and the outer lines being approximately 1850mm high when the hoist is wound down. After height is set, allow Column to lean over and rest in the hole.

Step 3a

Deluxe models only: remove the Column from the hole and insert the Steel Rod through the pre-drilled holes in the bottom of the Column. Place Column back in the hole. Note: instead of a Steel Rod, Super models have a crimped bottom tube to hold firm in concrete.

Equipment Required Spirit level, crowbar, shovel, screwdriver, pliers, concrete, drainage gravel, tape measure       

Head Section Assembly (Steps 4 - 5)

Tip: If you would prefer to concrete the Column in before assembling the Head Section then skip to “Concreting (Steps 11- 12)”. After allowing the concrete to cure for 48 hours continue with Step 4 onwards.

Step 4

Note: Only finger-tighten bolts at first. Tighten firmly after all Arms & Stays are attached. Put an Arm into the Cross and allow to rest, see Figure 4a.

Simply Clotheslines Installation Instructions for the Austral Super & Deluxe Fixed Head Hoist

Put a 20mm x 6mm Bolt through a 6mm Washer and fit through the top of the Top Cap. Secure the flat end of a Tubular Stay to the under side of the Top Cap with a 6mm Nylon Lock Nut, see Figure 4b.

Simply Clotheslines Installation Instructions for the Austral Super & Deluxe Fixed Head Hoist

Locate the pair of punched holes in the Arm that are perpendicular to all the other punched holes. Using these holes, fix the curved end of the Tubular Stay to the Arm with a 35mm x 6mm Bolt and a 6mm Nut, see Figure 4c (the bolt faces up so it won’t scratch people’s heads).

Simply Clotheslines Installation Instructions for the Austral Super & Deluxe Fixed Head Hoist

Repeat on other Arms. Tighten all nuts & bolts. 

Step 5

Wire holes on the Arms need to be horizontal and may need adjusting. To do this, insert a screwdriver through a pair of wiring holes and use it as a lever to rotate the Arm until horizontal. Repeat on other Arms. 

Wiring (Steps 6 - 10)

Tip: to reduce wire tangling, do not unwind the wire coil under the clothes hoist. Instead, place the coil 5m or more from the clothes hoist and secure it before pulling wire off. If possible, get another person to help by holding the wire roll.

Step 6

From the fully wound down position, wind the hoist up a little, see Figure 4a. Wind up 150mm for 4m diameter hoists & 100mm for 5m hoists. Loosen the Bolt in the Cross. With the Arms still in the Cross, slide the Cross down to meet the Reducer/Breeze Brake, see Figure 5. Later the Cross will be slid back into place, which further tensions the wires.

Simply Clotheslines Installation Instructions for the Austral Super & Deluxe Fixed Head Hoist

Step 7

Tip: be careful not to pull the Arms sideways to far during tensioning as this can damage the Cross. Thread the wire through the outer most hole on each Arm, see Figure 6a.

Simply Clotheslines Installation Instructions for the Austral Super & Deluxe Fixed Head Hoist

When you get back to the start, thread it through the first hole again, see Figure 6b.

Simply Clotheslines Installation Instructions for the Austral Super & Deluxe Fixed Head Hoist

Bend the tail end over the Arm and bend it back around itself, see Figure 6c.

Simply Clotheslines Installation Instructions for the Austral Super & Deluxe Fixed Head Hoist

Walk around the line and straighten any kinks in the wire by hand. Cut the section of wire running between the coil and the Arm, allow a loose end of about 200mm (Note: each line will have a separate piece of wire). Using a pair of pliers or vice grips, pull the loose end *taut whilst pushing against the Arm with your other hand, see Figure 6d.

Simply Clotheslines Installation Instructions for the Austral Super & Deluxe Fixed Head Hoist

When *tight, bend the loose end under the Arm and bend it back around itself, see Figure 6e.

Simply Clotheslines Installation Instructions for the Austral Super & Deluxe Fixed Head Hoist

Twist each of the loose ends around itself for 3 or 4 turns and then cut the wire so that the ends are pointing to the ground (ends pointing up will catch on washing). Use pliers to shape the loose ends back into itself and round off any sharp edges, see Figure 6f.

Simply Clotheslines Installation Instructions for the Austral Super & Deluxe Fixed Head Hoist

*Tensioning should be progressively tighter as you move from the outer most line to the inner most line. The 3 outer lines should be tightened by simply pulling the wire firmly whilst pushing against the Arm.

The remaining lines should be tightened similarly but with the addition of twisting the pliers and levering them against the Arm to gain extra tension. Do not make the outer lines too tight as they are the most effected when the Cross is moved back to its original location.

Step 8

Check the distance between each Arm is approximately 90 degrees by standing at the end of each Arm & looking/sighting along the Arm toward the end of the opposite Arm. Tap the Arms sideways to correct their alignment where necessary.

Step 9

Starting on the same Arm (1st Arm), repeat step 7 and 8 for the remaining lines. However, thread and tension each wire in the opposite direction to the previous; clockwise, counter clockwise, clockwise etc. This prevents the Arms from being pulled too far to one side.

Step 10

After all lines have been wired and tied off, the Cross can be moved back into place (doing so will add tension to the lines). While pulling down on the Top Cap, wind the Column all the way back down. Ensure that the Arms and Cross lineup with the holes in the Top Cap then re-tighten the bolt in the Cross. Fit the 4 Round End Caps.

Concreting (Steps 11 – 12)

Step 11

Mix concrete in the ratio of 4 gravel, 2 sand and 1 cement or use premixed concrete bags. To hold the Column erect, the concrete must be mixed fairly dry but should just be wet enough that it sticks to itself, it should not crumble.

Step 12

With the Column resting in the hole, add 50-100mm of drainage gravel around the base of the Column. Then pour concrete into the hole until it reaches 20mm from finished ground level (last 20mm will be soil).

Stand the Column up straight and use a spirit level to ensure it is plumb. Pack/tamp the concrete using a crowbar or similar and repeatedly plunge it into the concrete to ram it tight (this removes air pockets). If the concrete level drops after packing, top it back up so it stays 20mm below ground level.

Alternate between checking the Column is plumb and packing the concrete. Repeat until the Column is plumb, and the concrete is packed tightly (ie when further packing has no effect on the concrete level).

The drier mix of packed concrete should hold the Column in place. Fill the last 20mm of the hole with soil and gently pat down. Check Column is plumb once more for final position.


Maintenance & Tips to Ensure Long Life of Your Hoist

Do not swing on the clothes hoist!

Wind the hoist fully down to engage the Breeze Brake (Fig 4a). This stops the hoist from spinning while you hang washing.

Only use the Breeze Brake (Fig 4a) while hanging washing. Leaving it engaged while drying or not in use may cause unnecessary wear.

Occasionally check all nuts and bolts for tightness.

After many years, the gearbox gears may become dryer and benefit from lubrication. Signs of this include the winder becoming harder to turn. A nylon safe grease in an aerosol can with a straw nozzle is recommended. 

Loosen the gearbox bolts just enough to fit the straw nozzle, spray the gears inside, wind the hoist up/down, spray a different section, repeat, re-tighten the gearbox bolts when finished. - After many years, if the winder becomes stiff and there is a lot of ant activity around the gearbox, the ants may be nesting in the gearbox and placing dirt between the gears. Apply grease as per the step above. If left for a long time the gearbox may need to be cleaned thoroughly first.

Written by Austral Hoists Pty Ltd November 2020

To purchase an Austral Fixed Head Rotary Hoist Clothesline Click Here!

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