For use with 2.4m Addaline, Standard, Compact and Slenderline 16; 3.3m Compact 39 and Slenderline 20; and 1.3m Unit Line Fold Downs.
Mark the drill holes for your Fold Down model as indicated below ensuring the top marks are level. Ensure fixing surface is structurally sound.
Due to the diversity of construction materials available, please consult your local Hardware Store or Builder for fixing advice if required.
Centre to centre fixing points for standard installation. *See below for how to shorten an Austral Fold Down.
Addaline |
2400mm apart |
Standard |
2400mm apart |
Compact |
2400mm apart |
Compact 39 |
3300mm apart |
Slenderline 16 |
2400mm apart |
Slenderline 20 |
3300mm apart |
Unit Line |
1300mm apart |
To mark the drill holes using the Template supplied:
Mark the top drill hole approximately 50mm above user’s head height (if known). For general installation where the user’s height is unknown, mark the top drill hole between 1850-1900mm above finished ground level. Ensure Template is vertically plumb, then mark both holes on each side.
Drill holes using an 8mm drill bit and a hammer drill or variable speed drill. Insert wall plugs flush with surface if fitting to a masonry wall. Attach the left Pre-Assembled Side Arm to wall using screws supplied.
Attach the right Side Arm. The two bent Side Arms should face towards each other. DO NOT TIGHTEN ANY OTHER BOLTS.
Assemble the Front Bar by inserting one Front Spacer into each side of the Front Joiner (bar with Sticker). The hole on the end of each steel tube is used for powder coating purposes and is not relevant to the installation.
*To shorten the length (left to right) of a Fold Down Clothesline:
Mark the wall using the Wall Template on both sides within the available space, staying at least 50mm in from the edge of a masonry wall.
Measure the distance between the left and right fixing points. Deduct the measured distance from the standard centre-to-centre length – check point (1) above for your clothesline’s centre to centre distance. The difference is the measurement that will need to be cut off the Front Bar.
For example: If you are installing a 2400mm long Fold Down onto a shorter wall, say the fixing points are 2100mm apart, you will need to reduce the overall length of the Front Bar by 300mm (2400mm – 2100mm = 300mm). Divide the difference by 2 (in this example: 300mm divided by 2 = 150mm). 150mm will need to be cut off one end of each Spacer Bar for the Joiner Bar to remain in the centre of the Front Bar.
Do not cut the Joiner Bar. Insert a cut Spacer Bar into each end of Joiner Bar to form the new length Front Bar and proceed with assembly. N.B. Remember to shorten the Back Bar on the Ground Mount Kit if the clothesline is to be installed as a free-standing option.
For Add-A-Line only: Assemble both sets of front bars. Insert the longer Spacer Bars into each end of one Joiner Bar. Insert the two shorter Spacer Bars into each end of the second Joiner Bar. The longer Front Bar must be used on the larger frame; the shorter Front Bar must be used on the smaller frame. Insert the longest Front Bar into one of the longer bent Side Arms, then carefully manoeuvre the loose end into the opposite bent Side Arm. Insert the shorter Front Bar into the smaller bent Side Arms.
Ensure all bolts are secure but not over tight. Bolts on the sliding Brace should be loose enough to allow rotation by marginal finger movement. The Catches must move freely to allow the Braces to lock and unlock.
To cord single folding clothesline: Fold frame down to allow clear access to the Tension Lock. Slide the black Tension Lock towards the front of the frame and position over the first punched hole.
Commence Cording from this point. Thread Cord through the first hole from the outside of the frame, pull cord through leaving about 30cm of line protruding for the final tie off. Loosely tie the cut end around the frame to stop the cord pulling through the hole, or alternatively, raise the lever on the Tension Lock and push the cut end through the small hole under the lever.
Press lever down to temporarily clamp cord end. Push the cord through the corresponding hole on the left Arm, pulling the line through to the outside of the frame. Insert end of cord into the next hole on the same side. Pull cord through and thread through hole on the opposite side. Continue cording towards the back of the frame. Cord all holes except the final hole.
Slip the Cord Tidy (6mm black grommet) onto the end of the cord BEFORE threading through the last hole. Tie the back line off by bringing the cord OVER THE TOP OF THE TUBE. Tie the cord off using several knots as shown in image below. DO NOT WRAP THE CORD AROUND THE SIDE ARM as the cord will foul when folded down into the Wall Bracket.
To cord double folding Addaline: Ensure both frames remain folded up or down, to ensure correct cording. To cord the smaller frame: Cord from front to back through all 7 holes commencing at the Tension Lock (over front hole) and tie Cord off (see images below). For the larger frame: cord from front to back, commencing at the Tension Lock. Cord the first 8 holes only.
To finalize front cording: Working from back to front, pull each line taut. Tip: place your hand on the centre back line and pull down on cord. Place other hand on the next line along, pulling down on the line and taking up the cord excess on the previous line. Continue moving from one line to the other until you reach the front Tension Lock (positioned over the first hole).
Holding the front cord tight, raise the Lever on the Line Tension Lock and pull the cut end of the Cord through the hole directly under the Lever. Pull the Cord tight, then lock the Lever down to secure the Cord. Wrap the line in and around the Line Tension Lock (forming a U shape) to secure the Cord. Leave approximately 12-15cm of excess Cord hanging. Slide the Cord Knob onto the end of the line. Knot the Cord end and pull Cord Knob down to hide the knot. See Diagram.
Fit plastic caps to front of the 15mm Braces and ends of Side Arms.
a) Position your hand on the centre of the front Joiner Bar.
b) Push the Front Bar up firmly until you hear the ‘clicks’ or see the Clips move upwards and grip the side Brace. The Catches will pass over the screw heads and then drop down to disengage.
c) Lower the frame down.
A) Position hand on the centre of the front Joiner Bar.
b) Lift the Front Bar until the Catches pass the top screws By approximately 1cm (1/2”). Gently release the Front Bar. The Catches will drop and stop against the Screw head. If frame is raised too far, line will not lock into place. If this occurs, lower the frame andraise again.
c) Lower frame slowly and allow Catches to lock into position.
The smaller Addaline frame is raised by manually securing the wire Braces into the Side Arm’s larger punched holes. To lower the frame, hold the front bar and remove each wire Brace from the Side Arm hole. Carefully lower frame.

Written by Austral Clothes Hoists Pty Ltd November 2020
To purchase an Austral Fold Down Clothesline please click here